Friday, December 28, 2007

Free Speech

I worry about the world. Do most people do that? I don’t think so. I’m sure that the people in power like “The President of the United States” and "The Pope" don’t care about the world. What they are adept at is keeping the ball rolling in their direction. It’s worrisome to me to have old men with no discernable talent or redeeming social value running the country. Fuck, the president we have now is an idiot, yet people still voted for him. I worry about those people. I worry that they believe everything they hear on TV or read in the small town America Gazette. The frightening thing is that these people think that they voted the president into office. Well, it doesn’t work that way. Money is what rules this country not some wimpy asshole of a man. Then, of coarse there is the possibility that the president thinks he actually was liked so much by the people that he became president. Shit, you’re all assholes in the end because the multi-billion dollar companies and the billionaire entrepreneurs bought the presidency a long time ago.

How about the Pope as leader of the Catholic nation? An old man who is constantly sick has been put in place by other Pope wannabees at the table. Bull Shit again. The Pope is bought and paid for by the Mafia. The deliberation at the table is to decide who will best bear the burden of lying to millions of people who believe in him. After all the Pope can sit in a special place and talk directly to God. I say no way. If he can talk to God and get responses then why doesn’t he ask God to make the world and its people a better place? It may not seem like it but the pope heralds back to the time of King Arthur . . . he didn’t do anything to help that world either. It is appropriate to place the popeship with King Arthur as neither was real. Lies upon lies with more lies on top.

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